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Tuomarimuutos (29.7.2023):

Olemme joutuneet tekemään tuomarimuutoksen. Alkuperäinen pitkäkarvaisten urosten tuomari Geoffrey Hyde on estynyt ja hänen tilalleen tulee tuomari Valerie Geddes, UK.

Näyttekirjeessä ohjeistamme, miten tulee toimia, mikäli haluat peruuttaa koirasi osallistumisen näyttelyyn tuomarimuutoksen vuoksi.

Pitkäkarvaiset colliet

  • Urokset: Valerie Geddes, UK
    ROP-pen, ROP-vet, ROP-kasv

  • Nartut: Steve Barrett, UK
    ROP-jun, ROP, ROP-jälk

Sileäkarvaiset colliet

  • Urokset: Mike Vincent, UK
    ROP-jun, ROP, ROP-jälk

  • Nartut: Kevin Young, UK
    ROP-pen, ROP-vet, ROP-kas

Varatuomari molemmille roduille on Mike Vincent.


BIS, Valerie Geddes

BIS-juniori, Kevin Young 

BIS-kasvattaja, Steve Barrett

BIS-veteraani, Mike Vincent

BIS-pentu , Steve Barrett 

BIS-jälkeläisluokka, Kevin Young

Tuomaritiedot päivitetty 29.7.2023


Pitkäkarvaiset colliet

Steve Barrett, UK

“I started showing collies in 1993 and began my judging career in 1997.  Under the Brooklynson kennels I have bred around 15 UK Champions as well as exporting dogs for their owners to become Champions in Croatia, Greece, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, South Africa and others.


I have achieved the top honour of gaining BOB three times at Crufts with Brooklynson Liz Taylor, Brooklynson From Rio and Brooklynson Miley’s Cyrus.


There is no better feeling than seeing our dogs benefit the breed in other countries and not just the UK.


I have had the honour of judging in many lovely countries such as Russia, Norway, Czech Republic and Gibraltar. I am also judging at the European Dog show in Denmark 2023.


In the UK I award CC’s in Rough & Smooth Collies, Border Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs and Australian Shepherds. I also judge the Pastoral Group.


I am looking forward to judging for you in 12/08/23.


Your Judge

Steve Barrett”

Sileäkarvaiset colliet


Mike Vincent, UK

“The very first dog I ever owned as a pet was a Smooth Collie.  This was in 1975 and I have loved the breed ever since. I bought my first show dog in 1976 and she became a champion and in 1979 I bred my first champion a beautiful sable & white Ch Sylbecq Fleur De Lys. Fleur later produced the UK’s top sire Ch Sylbecq Draught Guiness at Foxearth who produced many champions throughout UK, Europe and Australia. I have owned and bred Smooth Collie champions in all three colours.

I started judging Smooth Collies at championship level in1984 and have judged many times throughout Europe. One of my memorable judging appointments was at Crufts in 2004 when I awarded the CC and BOB to an impressive male bred in Finland.


I also had a great deal of success showing and breeding Schipperkes and I am approved to judge these at Championship show level along with many other breeds.”

Kevin Young, UK

“As a teenager I acquired my first show dog which was a Rough Collie in 1974 from the famous Danvis and Arcot kennels which I showed with some success. A few years later I started showing Bearded Collies with great success making several Champions at home and abroad under the Sunkap affix.


In 1981I started judging Bearded Collies and Rough Collies and to date approved to award CCs in 45 Breeds over five Groups. I recently judged BIS at the very prestigious Welsh Kennel Club.


After judging the Pastoral and Working Groups on many occasions in the UK I have been invited to judge both Groups at Crufts in 2025 and 2026, respectively.


I have judged in Finland on four occasions including The Helsinki Winners Show.”

Steve Barrett.jpeg

Steve Barrett

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Mike Vincent

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Kevin Young

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